- Safe and Yummy - http://safeandyummy.com -

Seven Oceans Food Ration

CONTAINS WHEAT AND SOY, and I don’t know the source of “sugars” so that might be corn or it might not. They do produce some foods that look to contain nuts, and I don’t know their factory practices preventing cross-contamination.

It seems that Washington State has declared April Disaster Preparedness month [1], which got me thinking again about the problem of emergency rations for us food-allergic folks.

I finally found and tried a ration that is safe for both my husband and I, but it contains wheat and soy – so if those are your allergies (and I know there are many of you) don’t get your hopes up. I’m sorry. :(
Seven Oceans 2500 Calorie Food Ration [2] is made in Norway [3] and carried by Prepare Smart [4] in Redmond (link to purchase [5]).


The ingredients are appropriately simple:

It tastes like a dry undersweetened piece of shortbread. I may start taking some to work to keep in a drawer for those days when the lunch I pack doesn’t go quite far enough.

We tried them last night and today, no reactions even with our super-anaphylactic reactions to milk, eggs, nuts, peanuts, and most legumes (beans and peas).

For those of you who haven’t found an appropriate emergency supply yet – I have been trying to keep enough boxed/canned soups and beef jerky on hand to get us through the worst of a situation. I have to rotate those more often though, so usually my supply dwindles.

I haven’t actually put my kit together yet, I’ve been slowly adding to a pile of stuff over the last few years. Crank flashlight and an out-of-state emergency contact was all I had in the “disaster kit” for the longest time. Maybe this year I’ll actually put it together.