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Pizza Dough

From Jenn Purnell


Proof the yeast in the water.

Add 2 cups of flour, the sugar, oil, and salt. Mix well. Add 1 cup of flour, mix. It should start coming away from the sides of the bowl.

With the 4th cup of flour flour your hands and the kneading surface. Knead in a little at a time, adding enough to keep the flour from sticking to your hands. Knead very well – develop the glutens – the dough should be elastic,

When the dough is no longer sticky hold the heel of your hand in the dough for 10 seconds. If you can pull it away without sticking it’s right. This whole process should take 5-10 minutes.

Oil a 2-quart bowl, and roll the dough around in the bowl till it’s coated all over. Let the dough rise 30-45 minutes – until doubled in size. Punch it down. (Let it rise again if you want – Jenn thinks it should rise for 2 hours.).

Shape it and let it rise again for 5-10 minutes in shape. Fold the edges over to make the pizza crust

Pre-bake the crust on top rack for 10 minutes, then bake with the toppings for 5-10 minutes.